Principles of an Architectural Design

Principles of an Architectural Design

Architecture is an art of designing and constructing buildings. Architectural design starts by drawing lines by a pencil. We can say that drawing lines is the base of an architectural design. There are following two very basic and important principles regarding to architectural design.

· Function follows form

· Form follows function

These principles are very important in architectural designing and planning. Every architect should follow one of them or both principles in its design. It will be successful design then.

Function follows form:

Function follows form is a principle associated with classic architecture, and it is also being used in government buildings. The concept of this principle means something created according to its functions. We don’t consider its form at initial stage of architectural design.

Form follows function:

Form follows function means something is created in a manner, which allows it to perform its function. Think of your ears. They’re ugly if you think about it long enough, but their form is just right to catch sound waves and funnel those waves into your head.

Architects are building our society advanced as the time passing. They are trying to secure the lives of people from environmental disasters such as earthquake, floods, storms, etc.… it is very possible to change the environment by architectural design.

Architectural Design Elements:

The principles of design control the relationships of the elements used and set up the composition as a whole. Successful design incorporates the use of the laws and elements to serve the designer’s aim and visual goals. There are no rules for their use. The designer’s purpose and objective drive the decisions made to obtain harmony between the elements.

The principles of design consist of:

· Unity

· Harmony

· Contrast

· Repetition (rhythm, pattern)

· Variety (alternation)

· Emphasis (dominance or focal point)

· Balance

· Proportion (scale)

· Functionality

· Proximity

· Decluttering, organization and harmonization of accessories

· Lighting coloration

· And much more…

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